Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The rounder we go ...

Referred to D.Gorman's article:
( available online at

"The way out of the circle was simply to meet the moment of the symptom which I habitually feel as wrong and not take the next step of reacting to it. As I stop being divided by making one part of me wrong and trying to change it, I become whole"

A symptom is an effect, the problem is the cause. Although they are related, they are nevertheless two different things. Dealing with the symptoms instead of the causes it is why "it does not take long before the symptoms are back".

"When I allow myself to exist in any moment as it is without reaction—in other words, to open more fully to the experience and events of the present no matter whether I like it or not—these tensions and contractions disappear and I become free and whole"

To inhibit the end-gaining reaction is not the same as not reacting. End-gaining is the minimum-effort-path, therefore to take the other one, a conscious decission must be made.

F. M. Alexander says "inhibition and volition are two sides of the same coin".

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