Monday, August 29, 2005

Why do we tense our necks?

Referred to Michael Protzel's article, available online at

I had the oportunity of meeting Michael once on my short visit to NY last Feb 9th, during which he kindly explained and illustrated his ideas.

While posture is about positions either being good or bad, M.Protzel's "weight commitement" (which resemble F.M.Alexander's "directions"), is concerned with what goes on inside a certain position. But F.M.Alexander's directions are valid in general, either on a static position or in motion.

Moreover, M. Potzel is too fixed on vertical alignment as the only right posture - right position, and that doesn't appeal to me.

I guess this results from Michael's "steering" the body weight downwards, instead of F.M.Alexander's letting the neck to be free, which in a certain way it is "steering" the body's no-weight upwards.

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